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Boca Raton Spiraling Whiteflies, Whitefly treament


Boca Raton Spiraling Whiteflies

Boca Raton Spiraling Whiteflies are causing major damage to trees, palms, and other plants, including:

  • Ficus trees
  • Gumbo limbo trees
  • Arecca palms
  • Christmas palms
  • Coconut palms
  • White bird of paradise
  • and others.

Sadly, we expect this list to grow, as once you have Boca Raton spiraling whiteflies in your landscape, they’ll travel and lay eggs on just about any plant or tree.

According to experts from the University of California:

Whiteflies excrete sticky honeydew and cause yellowing or death of leaves. Outbreaks often occur when the natural biological control is disrupted. Management is difficult once populations are high.

There is little information on the biology on the Rugose Boca Raton Spiraling Whitefly; however, research is ongoing to describe the life cycle and plant host range. This whitefly is close in relation to the giant white fly,

Boca Raton Spiraling Whiteflies Eggs Are Everywhere

As the Boca Raton spiraling whitefly devours your plants and trees, it excretes a sticky dew (“honey dew”) that soils just about everything in sight — homes, autos, patio furniture, you name it.

But wait, it gets worse.

You see, this dew attracts ants and black sooty mold — this mold can also stop the plant’s photosynthesis.

Treating the Boca Raton Spiraling Whitefly

The best way to deal with these critters is to soil the ground or inject the foliage with a systemic insecticide, combating only the whiteflies munching on your palm, and not the other insects who are eating the whiteflies.


Foliar spraying is somewhat effective, but expect the Boca Raton spiraling whiteflies to return in about 3 to 4 weeks.

JP Miller & Sons Services has an extensive line of programs that prevent and treat these damaging Raton Spiraling Whiteflies currently impacting Broward and Palm Beach county areas.

We are ready and armed with knowledge, tools, and products necessary to provide the RIGHT service for the Roguse Boca Raton Spiraling Whitefly.
